Holistically Clean with JMB was originally established in 1990. The business was formerly known as JMB Custom Cleaning Plus. As always, our Morris County, New Jersey house cleaning business is a cleaning service committed to excellence. We provide clients with consistent quality service, trust and professionalism.
We promise our clients that they will not just receive clean homes but homes that are organized and tranquil. We can help you redefine your space and have you absolutely loving your home. Exceeding expectations is our goal.

A Message From The Owner
Hello, my friends! Let me introduce myself. I’m Jacqueline Brantigan, the founder of Holistically Clean With JMB, a mother of 3, two daughters and a son.
My first child was born with a rare eye cancer, Retinoblastoma. Knowing I did not want to return to the corporate world and that raising my daughter would be my focus, I stumbled upon a little niche that helped me to relieve my stress, cleaning.
It began with a neighbor who was ill and needed help. One client grew to several, which became a perfect situation for a stay at home mom.
The business grew to more then that, especially because after my daughters diagnosis I continued to question – why? Was it something I did, something I did not do? I suspected environmental exposures and chemical products may have played a role. It remain a constant question.
Then we lost Chase, one of our cats, to cancer. Again, I analyzed, why? As time went on I found myself making small changes that could perhaps make a difference.
My daughter’s dog Mozart passed due to Lymphoma, and chemicals once again raised concern in my family. There was no doubt that chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and yes, cleaning products, play a role in our health.
I was determined to change what I could control.
I went through all my products and gathered them to fill my kitchen island that is 8 feet long and 4 feet wide – it was overflowing with products that we had in our home that were toxic.
The sight of so many harmful products was an absolute eyeopener. And so began my journey to make my environment and the environment of my clients as healthy as possible. Much thanks to my daughter for the encouragement and a great deal information.